- Actor -- A man who tries to be
everything but himself.
- Advice -- The one thing which is
"More blessed to give than receive."
- Average
Man --
One who thinks he isn't.
- Bank -- An institution where you
can borrow money if you can present sufficient evidence to show that you
don't need it.
- Bigamist -- One who makes the same
mistake twice.
- Bore -- One who insists upon
talking about himself when you want to talk about yourself.
- Bridge -- A card game in which a
good deal depends on a good deal.
- Broadway -- A place where people
spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't need to impress
people they don't like.
- Budget -- A method of worrying
before you spend instead of afterward.
- Childish
Game --
One at which someone beats you.
- Civilization -- A process of creating
more needs than means to supply.
- Committee -- A body that keeps minutes
and wastes hour.
- Conservative -- A man who is too cowardly
to fight and too fat to run.
- Creditor -- A man who has better
money than a debtor.
- Criminal -- One who gets caught.
- Courtship -- The period during which
the girl decides whether or not she can do any better.
- Critic -- A wet blanket that soaks
everything it touches.
- Diamond -- A woman's idea of a
stepping stone to success.
© LinkinMyth: My Generation
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