A Moment of Silence for those Brave Nepal Police

Truth, Service, and Security: Nepal Police
s of putting into the words the tragedy that has fallen upon the Nepal Police and Armed Police Force today in Far-western Nepal, 20 security personnel have fallen down during the clash with the “Tharus” in Kailali (the news channel said it was already 20; by evening they reduced it to 8; something's cooking up). A first-class Gazetted  officer of Nepal Police—Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Laxman Neupane—along with two Police Inspectors, plus other security personnel have been reported to have achieved martyrdom. A moment of silence for those brave Police personnel. Salute to ‘em. And an ironical “Moment of Silence” to the Great  [Censored Text

The whole Nepal is at unrest. This is obvious. May be that’s why Siddhartha Gautam went to India (BodhGaya) for meditation, where he finally achieved enlightenment, because he just couldn’t find that peace here. See for instance, Kapilvastu—the “birth place of Siddhartha Gautam”. And a week ago, the already uncivilized protest turned into a violent clash between the Police and the protestors for a couple of days, where my father, a police officer, was injured. And still we are proud to claim that our country is the “birth place of Lord Gautam Buddha”. Let the India claim that “Buddha was born in India”. They can do it better than that. Let’s not make Lord Buddha suffer any more. He has already suffered too much.

Our “all-mighty” leaders are working out the grand plan for the country. They spit “revolution”, where they use the innocent Nepalese citizens against one another. Nepal Police and APF are just doing their service. Why kill ‘em? Was it their mistake to join the Police Force and serve the nation and its people? Nepal has turned into an oriental-barbaric version of Spanish bull-fighting club. Our leaders enjoy the rawest version of “man-fighting”. They don’t care who dies as long as it’s not themselves. The freaking lawmakers of our country move the parliament when some ‘Don” dies, but they suck lollipops when the innocent people are killed.

It’s the prismatic-sala society we are living in, as per F.W. Riggs, where we are trapped between civilization and savagery. We talk about Human Rights, and forget about the rights of significant others. We are selfish creatures. Nepal has signed the International Treaty on Human Rights (something like that) which prevents the security forces from taking any concrete action in taking the situation under control. They freaking want the right to protest. WTF is that? I don’t think we were yet ready to sign that crippling treaty. Human rights is for human, not for the animals. Animals are gentler than those savage protestors. Devils can be summoned though. There is no any word to describe those *(&^&^%# who attacked on the Nepal Police and APF.

We Nepalese are not yet human. We are not even somewhere near to “Being Human”. So hell with “Human Rights”. We will get that when we become civilized enough to behave as human.

Long Live Nepal Police
Better late than never, the Central Security Committee has decided to mobilize the Nepal Army, though only in the Sensitive areas. Nepal Police is the organization closest to the people. But they are the one who have to suffer much. Nepal Police have to operate with the minimum resources they have, and even though when they do something good out of it, they are not given good treatment. Is this the Human Rights we are talking about? There is a flaw in our national security policy in which Nepal Army operates at the center, while APF and Nepal Police have to maintain the perimeter. Okay… that might be what they say the International Practice. But that could be justified if the latter were provided with adequate and upgraded resources. See for instance, during the 10-year Insurgency, it was Nepal Police who solely had to fight the freaking Maoists, while the Nepal Army was busy biting their ration-allocated “High-energy Biscuits” with their @SS attached to the couch. Such a shame on ‘em! When finally they were mobilized, it was already too late.

Next flaw is that Nepal Police had to wait for a high level order from Chief District Officer before taking any concrete action to bring the situation under control. This is just a waste of time. And even what expertise do we expect from the CDO about the seriousness of life and death of the police personnel? Today’s violence is partly attributed to the reluctance of the Local Administration to grant the Police to use the power to shoot on sight.

Harm is already done. Spending any number of words cannot bring back the lives of those brave Police officials, nor can it console their families.

Let’s raise our voice for the enhancement of Nepal Police. They are at the frontline of our security. They are always there at first when we need them. So let’s strengthen the Police first. Give them choppers for God’s Sake. Yeah… start with the Choppers.

May those brave souls Rest in Peace.

©Linkinmyth: A Moment ofSilence for Those Brave Police Personnel
