Lyrics for "Anumati" song by Monkey Temple

Monkey Temple

Monkey Temple featured on MTV
Monkey Temple has set the bar high already in Nepalese Music. Thanks and congratulations to all the Band members, which became the first ever Nepalese Music Band to be featured on MTV India…

Now talking specially about this particular song “Anumati (अनुमतीing specially about this particular song "to e Music. THanks ), it became a massive hit. “Anumati” became the first Nepalese song/music video to be featured on MTV India.
The members of Monkey Temple Band are: Sareen Deoja (Vocal); Prawol Bhattarai (Guitar/vocal/back vocal); Srijan Bikram Gewali (Guitar); Samrat Shah (Bass) and Pratap Risal (Drums.

Our Guitar Maestro once again has done the impossible… The song “Anumati” by Monkey Temple has been fully worked and tabbed out by Aashik Shrestha, including the amazing Guitar Lead portion and the subsequent Guitar Break with Echo.

What are you waiting for…??? GO ahead and get working on your fretboards… Learn to play this song “Anumati” accurately. Let me know when you master it… The song is a masterpiece… Kudos to Sareen Deoja and all the members of Monkey Temple.

►►Click Here for the Complete and Accurate GuitarTabs and Chords for “Anumati” by Monkey Temple.

Intro Riff
Melody Riff

Verse I:
Samaya yedi achal bhaidiye
kewal aavash ko lagi mero trishana
swaorup ajhai man ma chha mero
haaso mutu ma chha mero

Chorus I: *2
ke uttar chha timi sita jaba
u stabda huncha bhanana

Verse II:
samaya ajhai bite pani
kina khadkincha bhanana
anuhar birsana garho bho
ti kshan haru ajhai jhajhalko maa

Chorus II: *2
aairahechhan mero samakchya
kina aaja bhana na

Guitar Solo
Guitar Break w/ Echo

Chorus I: *2
ke uttar chha timi sita jaba
u stabda huncha bhanana


समय यदि अचल भइ दिए
केवल आभाशको लागि मेरो तृष्णा
स्वरुप अझैं मनमा छ मेरो
हासो मुटुमा छ मेरो ।

के उत्तर छ तिमी सित जब उ
स्तब्ध हुन्छ, भन न ।

समय अझैं बिते पनि
किन खड्किन्छ भन न
अनुहार बिर्सन गाह्रो भो
ती क्षणहरु अझैं झझल्को मा

आइरहेछन् मेरो समक्ष
किन आज, भन न ।

के उत्तर छ तिमी सित जब उ
स्तब्ध हुन्छ, भन न ।

©Linkinmyth 2017: Guitar Tabs and Chords with Lyrics for “Anumati” by Monkey Temple
Guitar Pro
Guitar Tabs and Chords
