Get Familier with the Internet

“Internet” is probably the most used and most liked word in the world. Yeah, I’m serious guys! I am so much addicted to it that the frequency of its use is very high with me. Well, this episode of my blog is to acknowledge you about this INTERNET which had brought all these revolutions to our life.

Internet is in fact an abbreviation for International Netscape {Network}.  Well, network simply refers to interconnection between two or more computer devices facilitating the telecommunications, most probably as far as I have analyzed it through my experience and perception. So far, INTERNET can be meant as Networks of Networks (NoN) globally connected to send and receive any type of information.

Let’s get familiar with the brief history of the internet. In the world, US Department of Defense is the first user of the internet. As the cold war ended at the beginning of the decade 1990s when the Soviet Union fell then the US vice-president Mr. Algor announced Internet facilities can be used by any country as they wish. Any single individual, company or a country does not own this giant global network.

In the 1960s, the researchers began experimenting with linking computers to each others and to people through telephone hook-ups, using funds from US Defense Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency Networks (ARPANet). In those days, there were no microcomputers. The model of centralized mainframe computers and terminals ruled the computer world. Under this form, the big mainframe computer sat at the centre of a starfish like system with a dumb workstation at the tip of each tentacle.

As this system, branded as ARPANet, grew, some innovative college students developed a manner to apply it to conduct online conferences. These started as science-oriented discussions, but they soon diversified into practically every other field, as people recognized the power of being able to ‘talk’ to hundreds or even 1000s of people around the world. This was a concept of network where nothing was centralized due to which it was quite a new concept. In fact, ARPANet was started in USA to fulfil this concept, I think…! Later ARPANet changed into Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Networks (DARPANet) during 1970 to 1980. Later, other networks like BITNET, NSFNET, USENET and UCCP were connected with DARPANet. The name of this group of this Network was given as Information Super Highway. Then after 1996 the name of Information Super Highway also changed into Internet. Again at the beginning of 2000, Intranet and Extranet also came into the world market as a special part of the Internet.

Following are some of the internet services:

v  World Wide Web (WWW): Designed by Tim Berners Lee in 1992 that changed the layout of the internet world. Thanks to Mr. Lee who used HTML for adding variety of digital spices to web page.

v  File Transfer Protocol (FTP): Commonly known as download.

v  Chat: “Do I need to elaborate it…., huh?

v  USNET: Facility and delivery services provided by a US Company which is an ocean of knowledge and information.

v  E-mail: Electronic mail. It is very common like Chat.

v  Uniform Resource Locator(URL): Identifies a particular internet resource, example a web page, an image or a text file…,etc.Eg:


·         http = Protocol Name

·         :// = a symbol

·         www = server name

·         musicmyth.blogspot = domain name

·         .com = top domain name

And finally E-Fax….
