Learning French is easier with “Lupin”

Netflix and Chill! But I haven’t been able to chill with back to back binge-watching the series on Netflix. It all started with my French lessons when the professor suggested that we watch French series/movies to improve our conversational/comprehension skills. That’s when I started learning French with “Lupin”. I should have started Netflix sooner. Learning French is easier with Lupin. Who said learning a new language has to be boring and difficult?


Lupin, Omar Sy

I have been taking French language classes at Alliance Française de Katmandou since last year. As of now, I am at Niveau 5 (Level 5), a.k.a. A2.2. The interesting thing about learning any new language, especially French, is that the more you level up, the more you find the language difficult. I have been there. I thought I could learn French with ease when I was in Level 1. After all, it was just the alphabet, numbers, countries, and bonjour/ merci. Simple as that. Everything was going great until I leveled up. In fact, learning French has really encouraged me to live in the moment because I find it very difficult to conjugate any other verb tense. So… Live in the Present!


Lupin and French

Of course, Lupin is a French TV series based that stars Omar Sy as the central character—Assane Diop. Assane is very much influenced by the personality of Arsène Lupin, an extraordinary character created by Mauric Leblanc.


So why Lupin?

Lupin is available with English Audio and Subtitles on Netflix, but since it’s originally french, you won’t find that original taste in other languages. Plus, a word of caution: Lupin is not for beginner level of French. Of course, I have found Lupin a little bit easier to comprehend than other series. From my experience of learning French and Lupin, I suggest it for the students who have at least Level 6 (A2.3) qualification in the French Language. In an extreme case, Level 5 can be acceptable. This is because you learn new tenses (imprafait, passé compose, future proche, simple futur, conditionnel), grammar rules (complement objet direct and complement objet indirect), and vocabularies by the time you are at Level 5 after which you can understand the conversational context in the dialogue.


Lupin: Season I

Lupin was premiered on Netflix on 8 January 2021 with only five episodes in its Season I. The remaining five episodes are scheduled to be released on 11 June 2021. Spoiler Alert: The first season ends with Assane getting away from law enforcers again and again. However, his son Raoul is kidnapped by Leonard, sent by Pellegrini. What will Assane do to get his son back? That’s yet to come in Season 2.


Dialogues from Lupin (Season I) that can help you learn French

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5



However, the dialogue structure can be a bit different from what you have learned in the class. Especially with negation and liaison.

I suggest you binge-watch Lupin, and then watch it again, with attention to its dialogue. Believe me… It’s worth the time if you are looking forward to improve your French skills. It took me almost a couple of hours to finish an episode of 45 minutes because I made sure I understood every dialogue and structure of it. At the same time, I noted the expressions and vocabularies that you might find useful.

Thank me later! You are welcome!

©Linkingthe Myths 2021: Learning French with Lupin
