Result of CMAT and the Final Selection for BBA of TU

Well, The CMAT Exam of TU for BBA intake-2010 is over last Saturday. How you guys did?
The result of CMAT of Shanker Dev Campus is out today. Those securing over 40% are pass. The Result of Internal Exam will be disclosed on Thursday, I thunk. The Interview is from 14th Ashoj to 16th Ashoj, timed 11am-1pm and 2.30pm-4.30 pm for different groups. See the schedule.
The Short List of selected candidate will be published on Monday.
Good Luck

And if you are having a hard time getting control of your life, I am confident that my articles published on Republica (Aug. 20 and 31,2014/p13) will kick start your life again. Because, let's face it, brothers and sisters... It's me... Been there and Done that. Don't be a rat. The problem with the rat race is that even if you win the race, you'll still be a rat. Read my inspirational articles here:
