Some Guidelines to tackle the English Prepostional Uses In Tests

Be it TOFEL, IELTS, SAT, GRE, GMAT or CMAT, basically, in English the prepostional usage is always a matter of headache. At this condition, most of us are like "Beggars have no choices". We get in dillema. So I just summarised a samll piece of this stuff  which can aid you.

1.To: Talking about Direction, north, east, west and south; "to" is generally used while indicating them with definitive article "the"
Eg; My house is north to the Post office.

2.Towards: Towards is used when narrating any one who is going to any place. We use definitive article "the" here also.
Eg; He is going towards the school.

3.Within: Eg; Within a Week

4. In: In the morning
            But notice that: " on a/the Sunday Morning
5.After: "After", when used in time sense, we generally describe the work we gotta do.
Eg; After an hour
