BlackBerry Playbook Screen Problem Troubleshoot, With iPhone 6's Flexibility

BlackBerry Playbook Screen Display Problem Troubleshoot!

BlackBerry PlayBook

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ust this afternoon, my Playbook hit the Low battery level of 18%. Time to charge! So turned it off, and connected the USB charger! After plugging in, the notification lighted turned red, but I still didn’t turn on the PB. Then the Notification point started to glow in different colors, and still I didn’t turn it on, cuz like other mobile devices, I thought today I wouldn’t turn it on until it is fully charged! I connected the charger at 12 noon, and started to watch the ‘Lost’ season episode. After three hours, I checked upon the PB. The screen has some light on it, even though I hadn’t turned it on! It was kinda warm! When I turned it on, I noticed some unusual pattern on the screen! A subtle line seemed to run through the exact half of the screen. The line was the result of imbalance in the screen brightness on the either half of the screen. The right half of the screen had normal display! But the left half was kinda blurry, or dimmer.

So I started to think about the problem. I guessed that since I had charged the PB while it was turned off, and the system was designed to keep the “Screen on when charging at OFF-state”. It’s kinda weird system! Then I tried turning it off again, and keep it at somewhere rather cool (No, not in refrigerator). Checked on it after an hour…. Same problem!

Then I gave it another try! This time I left it to rest for about four hours! Next I turn my PB on… Bingo! Eureka! The screen is back! It’s beautiful!

I hope this helps those who face similar problem with their Blackberry Playbook!

And Caution: Never charge your Playbook with Power Off! Keep it on!
If you are like many of us who are deprived of the access to BlackBerry Appworld because we live in the country where BlackBerry isn’t virtually available, you can side load the android apps on BlackbBerry via Development Mode. You need to install DDPB installer for this purpose. To download the .BAR apps for BlackBerry Playbook, CLICK Here to access the popular site GOODeREADER. But, caution… Most of the apps may not function properly.
CLICK HERE to learn how to side load Android Apps on BlackBerry Playbook.
BlackBerry Playbook has a cool UI, but it’s Appworld is just useless.

Trending: Apples' new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus has a built-in flexibility

(Date: 09/25/2014)

iPhone 6 and 6 Plus (
Steve Jobs is no more among us, but we still got his "brainchildren", viz. iPod, iPhone, iPad. Steve Jobs was a Genius. You'd know that without me mentioning it.

As much as I used to have hots for "Apple" during Steve's regime, after his demise Apple seems like a forbidden fruit/kingdom to me. Steve Jobs had his unique charm. But it may be my prejudice or because I might not have read the inspirational Bio of Tim Cook, things feel void.

Recently, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus were launched in the same place where first Apple computers were introduced in 1984. But the 2014 iPhone 6 and 6 Plus seems to have some Jobs-less feature: It's flexible. iPhone 6 and 6 plus have their case made of thin aluminium which tends to bend due to pressure in the users pocket on the phone. Social media have #hashtagged this flexibility of iPhone 6 and 6 plus as #BendGate, #Bendgazi...!

However, Apple is... well... it's Apple. I am sure that Apple can make a way out of this. Anyway, Apple has got significant media exposure due to this issue, which many smartphone manufacturers could hardly make.

©Linkinmyth: My Generation, Blackberry Playbook, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus
