Like to Dislike!

ime has finally come to face the truth—the bitter (and better) truth; the harsh reality… you name it! It’s about time I slapped you with a rotten fish… No, wait… A Piranha Fish. In fact, Mark Zuckerberg made it easier for us to give you a taste of your own sh!t. Oh, you’re gonna love that!

Trust Me… I Lied! ►► CLICK HERE for full article on Republica.

On Your @$$!
Facebook has decided to introduce a much awaited feature on, what you call it—Facebook. Very soon, there’s gonna be an option to “DISLIKE” the post/updates on Facebook. Man, this is gonna be cool. Now I can dislike all those self-centered, egotist, nonsensical status updates of yours. I’m gonna feed on your ego now. Now you gonna know for real how much you have embarrassed yourself all those years. People will no longer put up with your sh!t anymore. So people… think twice before you upload that morning-yawning selfie and/or quickie or whatever. You are not gonna have a good day then after. Just see how pathetic it is that people need never-ending reassurance that they are loved and every single word they say is superb and everything they do is worthy of praise and flattery. We don’t even know how to shut up when we are on our own. That’s what social media are made for. So next time you go shopping, or break up with your soul-mate, or have crush on the girl or the boy next door or next row, or get flu shot, please do us a favor – just keep it to yourself. The rest of the world don’t want or need to hear about it. We freaking hate it. Thanks to Facebook, we can now declare it to you, with the revolutionary “DISLIKE” feature.

I am not here to please those people who hate me. I am not here to make them feel good. I cannot beat around the bush, because life is too short to be spent that way. If you are fat, you are fat – not chubby. If you aren’t getting anywhere definite with your life, and someone calls you a loser and if it hurts (which it does), they are not being mean to you; they are honest. I don’t think people are stupid. I am damn sure they are stupid. Albert Einstein knew it: Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not sure about the former. Now that’s the real Genius talking!

©Linkinmyth 2015: Like to Dislike. Facebook introduces “Dislike” option/button
