Fat Loss: Cardio Or Weight Training

Cardio vs. Weight Training
Cardio vs. Weight Training
Image: Athletes' Society

There’s a long-standing debate on whether cardio or weight training is a better form of workout. This is a very tricky question because there is no universally accepted answer to this. The popularly established rule of thumb (or misconception) is that if you want to lose weight, focus on cardio. But go for weights if your aim is to build muscles. You must be aware of the relationship between calorie burn and fat loss and of course, cardio burns more calories than weight training for the particular duration of the workout.


But don’t be so quick to judge. The key to weight loss is deeply connected with your metabolism. Though lifting weights have a slower calorie-burning rate than cardio, it builds your muscles which burns more calories and fat even when you are at rest. Weight Training seems like an investment in a profitable share market after all.

Calorie deficit should be the focus of any workout at the end of the day. Which form of workout you choose is up to you. What’s your workout goal? And how much time are you willing to invest in the workout?

Cardio workouts are generally preferred over other workouts for their health benefits, mainly heart and lungs. Cardio certainly burns more calories. But done separately, you have to spend long hours doing cardio alone. Ultimately, boredom will kick in and the inevitable happens. You give up on your new year's resolution and end up being a couch potato.

Weight Training exercises are like two-in-one. Lifting weights can help you build muscle and lose fat. However, it shouldn’t be taken for granted. Since comparatively less calorie is burnt, if you are not careful with your diets then you might end up gaining some few pounds. It is the difference between calorie intake and calorie burn that shapes you.


So do we have a winner here? No!

But weight training seems to have a greater weight of benefits, literally. Don’t be afraid of becoming the Hulk due to weight training. Your average 45 minutes workout ain’t enough for such transformation. With weight training, you can completely reshape your body while building the required muscle to increase your metabolism which helps you to burn and lose fat mass. So, if your goal is to lose fat, then go for weight training, and add some cardio if you would like to.

Also, pay attention to your diet. Workouts alone don’t bring any change.
