CMAT: Verbal Ability,Vocabulary...All you need!!

There is no need to panic. The CMAT tests a surprisingly limited number of words. In the following lists you will find words that occur frequently on the CMAT. No Doubt, memorizing a list of words is rather impractical, or like kinda funny. But it is probably the most effective way to improve your performance on the section Verbal Ability.

As you read through the lists, check mark any of the wirds you do not know. Then when you read through the lists again, mark any that you do not remember with two checks.Continue this over and over.

Well, including all the words might be impossible as there are over 4000 possible words. I am just including some frequently asked words in Vocabulary.
Avow: Declare
Abhor: To strongly detest or dislike
Abstemious:sparing in food and drinking
Abstract: Theoritical, not concrete
Acquiesce: to agree with
Adversary: opponent
Advocate: to support/ supporter
Alleviate: to lessen
Ambigious: unclear in meaning
Ambivalent: torn between two conflicting emotions
Amorphous:lacking a definite shape
Anecdote: a short story intended to amuse or instruct
Arbitrary: Random
Articulate: well spoken
Ascedancy: domination
Assent: agree/ agreement
Assiduous: hard working
Astute: Smart
Augment: to increase
Auspicious: favourable for future
Austure: sel-denial; spartans
Autocratic: dictatorial
Autonomy: independence
Avaricious: greedy
Avuncular: like uncle

Behemoth: gigantic
Boor: vulgar person
Benefactor: one providing financial support
Benevolent: good hearted
Boycott: to refuse to do sth as a protest
Blitzkrieg: A sudden military attack intended to win a quick victory
Collude: conspire
Cantankerous: mean spirited
Castigate: to scold
Caustic: scornful
Cliche: an overused remark
consensus: general agreement
contentious: argumentative
coax: urge
conflagration: huge fire
covert: secret
credence: belief
cozy: friendly and private
chicanery: trickery
Definitive: defining
Delineate; to mark with a line
Desecrate:to violate
Destitute: extremely poor
Dearth: scarcity
Despot: tyrant
devoid: empty
diffident: shy
dissent: disagree
Draconian: harsh
Dormant: asleep
Ebullient: extremely joyful
Edify: educate
Egregious: outrageous
Elusive:hard to capture
Euphemism: pleasant way of saying something unpleasant
Exalt: glorify
enervate: weaken
exacebrate: worsen
epigram: short poem
Exculpate: to free from blame
Expedite: to hasten
Expatriate: to live in another country
Euthanasia: practice of killing people without pain who is suffering from an incurable disease
Fallow: barren, uncultivate
Feasible: accomplishable
Frivolous: unimportant
Furtive: hidden
futile: unsuccessful
fathom: understand
flout: to disrespect
fortuitous: lucky
Glutton:Over eater
Grandoise: oerly grand
Germane: relevant
gregarious: socialble
Halycon: serene
Homocide: Murder
Hyperbole: exaggeration
Hapless: Unlucky
Idolatory: worship of false idols
Immutable: unchangeable
incongrous: dissimilar
Incorrigible: that cant be corected
Impetuous: impulsive
indigent: poor
indolent: lazy
Indifferent: uncaring for
Ingenious: very clever
Ingenuous: Genuine
Intrepid: brave
invective: verbal insult
Judicious: prudent, wise
jest: joke
Kudos: admiration and respect along with particular achievement and postion
Laconic: sparing in words
Laud:to praise
Loquacious: tslkstive
Malice: Evil intent
Mellifluous: smooth flowing
Morose: gloomy
Magnate: tycoon, mogul
Miser: stingy
Malign: bad publicity
misanthrope: hater of mankind
Nurture:to care for
Oligarchy:a form of government in which power is hold by a group of few people
omnipotent: all powerful
Parsimony: stinginess
Pecuniary: pertaining to money
Penury: poverty
Platitude: Cliche
Posterity: future generations
prominent: famous
paucity: scarcity
plethora: surplus
pragmatic: practical
precarious: risky
Prodigal: reckless with money
prosaic: flat
Purport: general meaning of sth
Quiescent: Quiet
qualms: misgivings
Quack: a false doctor
Quotidian: ordinary
Raconteur: a story teller
Rancid: foul
Reject: veto
Reparations: Compensation
Reprimand: blame
Revile: to hate
Ribald: vulgarly humorous
robust: strong
Scant: minimal
Scrutinize: critical gaze
sluggish: slow moving
subtle: not overt
supercilious: unnecessary
sychophant: servile flatter
savvy: having practical knowledge
suave: smooth
Sitcom: a comedy serial
Tantalize: tease
Taciturn: quiet
Tabloid: newspaper
Tenacious: stubborn
Tranquil: peaceful
Timid: shy, vacillating, timorous, apprehensive
Theology: study of religion
Tirade:Diatribe, lengthy abusive verval atack
Torpor: weak
Trite: unoriginal
terse: concise
Trubulent: disturbed
Utopia: a perfect place
ubiquitous: pervasive
Vanquish: conquer
Venerate: to greatly respect
Veracity: truthfulness
Verbose: Wordy
Viru;ent: toxic
Virile: strong
Vapid: dull
vex: annoy
villify: malign
Writ: law
wary: aware
Wane: decrease
wax: Increase
Whimiscal: changeable
wistful: filled with regret
Xenophobia: fear of foreigners
Zealot: fanatic
Well, this is the most probable words of vocabulary, that could be asked in CMAT. But don't completely rely on it. Refer the CMAT practice books too. For those who want to improve their overall English{Not just vocabulary}, go and buy " Words Power Made Easy" by Norman Lewis.
CMAT is not difficult. You tackle Verbal Ability part and the rest sections are just like a piece of cake each.
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