Guitar Chords for Taal Ko Pani by Nepathya

I had plan to work out on this one of the all popular songs of Nepathya "Taal Ko Paani" but i was outta time. So, I looked out on the Extreme Tracker and I saw the referrer as the search for the tabs of the very song by nepathya. The complete tab is worked out on the another post. Click Here for the Complete tab of 'Taal ko Pani' by Nepathya.

The Intro chords are:

B %       E5%(With another guitar playing Pure E chord)
That is: B B B B B B
            E E E
Then starts the Keyboard effect and the song starts 

B(Sturm only once)
Taal Ko paani, Machhi le khani
........sitaa jane ki na jane

B B B   E!

Thats all I can figure out without listening to the song.
Will work it out later.
Mail me the tab if u work out to

 Linkinmyth: Guitar Tabs and Chords for Taal Ko paani by Nepathya


  1. this really have showed the path for whole song..thanks allot/...

  2. B(799877) C#m
    taal ko pani macchi ke khani
    G#m B
    firim sita jane ki najane


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