Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss


Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent Fasting
Image: Women's Health

Technology is making us lazy. We are becoming physically less active as everything we need is available at the tip of the finger. Obesity has become a major health issue today. Weight Loss almost occupies the New Year Resolution List of most people around the world. In this context, Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss has emerged as a new practice in health and fitness. The world is going crazy with Intermittent Fasting.


What Is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent Fasting is the latest trend in the weight loss arena. Unlike other forms of conventional fasting where you do not eat anything for like a whole day, intermittent fasting is a little different. It involves the tandem of fasting and eating. And the best thing is that you can do it every day. It is about balance. You abstain yourself from calorie intake so that your body burns the calorie that’s already stored in your body. Bingo, you lose weight.


Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss

We are already aware that we need to burn more calories than we intake to maintain our weight. However, it is easier said than done. Wouldn’t it be cool if we could just burn the calories? Good news. You can. With intermittent fasting, you allow your body to burn the stored energy helping you lose fat.


Intermittent Fasting allows your body to adapt to less calorie intake. There are different modules of it. The 16:8 method is the most popular one. Here, you are allowed to eat only within an 8 hours window in the 24 hours time frame. For example, you had dinner at 7 pm and then you go on without having anything at all for the next 18 hours, i.e. till 1 pm the next day. From 1 pm to 7 pm, you are allowed to eat. And so you continue this way.


It may be hard in the beginning because we are generally used to having breakfast in the morning. However, we can drink some water or tea or coffee to fight the hunger for a while. But beware of what you are eating within those 8 hours window. Don’t expect to lose weight by taking junk foods.
